Saturday, September 15, 2012


Hemorrhoids - a disease of the veins of the anus, where the piles grow, move down or fall out, and can be thrombosed and krovotochit.

Causes of hemorrhoids
Tendency to hemorrhoids can be transmitted in the genes, but without provoking factors disease does not manifest itself. Aggravating factors hemorrhoids: sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, frequent stools disorders, poor diet, bad habits and the like.

Traditional remedies hemorrhoid treatment at home:
Candles from hemorrhoids at home:
Relieve the pain and inflammation of hemorrhoids at home will help a candle made from raw potatoes. Do candle size of a finger, without sharp corners. Introduce a candle at night, to facilitate the introduction of the potato candle can be greased with sunflower oil, it will be released with the feces or straining during bowel movements, but it can be left on all day - walking is not a hindrance. Before the procedure can sit 30 minutes in a warm bath. If you need to go to the toilet, then throw a candle, and after a cold cleaning the anus (and better cold douche rectal enema small - 0.5 cups) into a fresh candle. If carefully and gently apply this folk remedy, the exacerbation of hemorrhoids is a few days, but the procedure should be done within 10 days. If necessary, repeat the treatment after 1-2 months.
Candle of candied honey also reduce the pain of hemorrhoids.
Evening for home treatment gently enter into the anus along the cut garlic cloves, dipping them into the interior melted lard, petroleum jelly or vegetable oil and leave overnight. Before the procedure, lubricate the anus mammal or sea buckthorn oil.
Clean 3 large cloves garlic, grind, mix with hot butter and pour into molds conical foil (size must match the candle to put in the anus), put the mold in the refrigerator to freeze. Introduce candles after each bowel movement.
Ice candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids: pour the little finger of surgical gloves (or stall) broth chamomile (1 tablespoon to 1 cup of boiling water for 30 minutes, drain) and freeze. Ice candles pull out of gloves, put in a day and keep up to complete melting. After two months of no longer bother pain and bleeding.

Ointments for hemorrhoids at home:
Tavyanoy tampon with ointment, which relieves pain and inflammation, eliminates bleeding:
     mix 1:1:1 common toadflax flowers, oak bark, grass, water pepper, half the mixture diluted with hot lard, keep on low heat, stirring, for 12 hours, drain, drain the oil into a jar. The ointment is applied to the gauze, put in the anus for 4-5 hours.
     Relieve the pain of hemorrhoids compresses and ointment:
     Of grated raw beets or carrots.
     Pulp of the berries of mountain ash.
     Ointment of 1 part juice dymyanki drug pounded with 4 parts butter or petroleum jelly.
     Crack for speedy healing lubricate 1 per day ihtiola.
     Subsidiaries fry one large onion chopped in 0.5 liters of hot oil, drain through a multilayer gauze. In hot oil solution of 100 g of beeswax. The ointment is applied as an external agent in the home.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Traditional medicine - dead bees.

Recently, apitherapy is gaining popularity. And no wonder. Natural bee products - honey, royal jelly, pollen, Podmore - very effective in the treatment of many diseases. But if the first of these products are widely known, about Podmore - dead bodies of bees - and its properties until they know not many.
The secret of the healing substance is simple. The fact that chitin cover Hymenoptera, and they include and bees are geparoidy - chemicals that positively affect blood clotting and condition of vessels, and that is no less valuable that suppress inflammation.
Apitherapy Bee Podmore long considered a powerful drug, proven by doctors - apiterapevt from the 19th century.
Bee Podmore is uneven. Of its species are distinguished winter, when the bodies of dead bees are poison and indigestible remnants of the intestine, summer, containing a poison, and "therapeutic", which is obtained after the use of bee stings for medicinal and which does not contain poison.
What should be the bee Podmore, used to treat?
Podmore bees should be dry without mildew. If bad Podmore dried out, it can rot and have an unpleasant odor. Dried bee Podmore, putting it in the oven or Russian stove with a temperature of 45 - 50 degrees. Properly dried Podmore bee smells roasted seeds.
At present the center of alternative medicine use for health purposes are several treatment options Podmore: Podmore broth, roasted body of bees, to steam, liniment, alcohol extract.
On the effectiveness of the decoction and infusion are approximately equal. If the patient "kidney or child" does not tolerate alcohol-based medicine, then used a decoction Podmore bees.
The main indications for the use of bee Podmore: adenoma of the prostate, chronic lung, liver, gastrointestinal tract, muscular and central nervous system.
Podmore bees use for medical purposes can be in several forms - broth Podmore, steam the Podmore, liniment Podmore and roasted bodies of bees.
In the treatment of myopia. Fried body bees - are used by the following procedure: 1 teaspoon fresh roast Podmore 50ml vegetable oil for 5-6 minutes, then cooled and pulverized, are inside a teaspoon before eating, drinking milk, for 1-2 months. Treatment can be repeated after 2-3 months.
Mastitis and whitlow, varicose veins. Steam the Podmore - is steaming hot water body bees, it usually is applied to the area of ​​inflammation. This procedure is carried out as follows: 100 g Podmore pour very hot but not boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, then the resulting mass is slightly squeezed through cheesecloth, a triple layer of gauze is placed upon the hearth, and the patient is placed on top of the bundle of wrung bees, cover with plastic wrap and secured with an elastic bandage , and leave it to cool compress.
With joint pain, thrombophlebitis. Liniment of bee Podmore - used to prepare this: triturated bee Podmore and mixes with the hot olive oil (a tablespoon of powder to 200ml of oil). Stored in dark glass bottles in the fridge. Rubbed with pain (after warming up).
To stabilize the blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, cerebrovascular disease. The alcoholic extract of bee appointed Podmore. 15-20 drops after meals for 1-2 months. The extract is also assigned seniors daily for 6-12 months at a dose of one drop per year of age (for 70-year-old man = 70 drops), the observations show that after treatment, people became more active, facilitated their usual disease. Preparation of extract: a tablespoon of crushed into powder Podmore pour a glass of 40-degree vodka for 2 weeks. The extract is used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia and sexual dysfunction - impotence and frigidity.
With prostate cancer, kidney disease, glomerulonephritis and obesity. Broth from Podmore bees. 1 tablespoon Podmore pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 2 hours. Then leave to cool at room temperature for 1-2 hours. Strain and drink the broth 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day for a month tincture Podmore bees. In any container (such as a bank to 0.2, 0.5 or 0.7 liters) of bees to fill half and fill with alcohol above Podmore by 3 centimeters. Leave for 15 days in a dark place, then strain. Adults drink brandy 3 times a day for 1 st. spoon for 30 minutes before a meal, until it is a relief. Tincture of herbs. Prepare a mixture of 20 hips, 40 grams of motherwort, plantain leaf 20 g and 20 g of birch leaves. Three tablespoons of the mixture placed in a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, for 2 - 3 hours, drain'', add honey to taste. Drink warm infusion: half a cup three times a day.