Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Propolis - traditional methods of treatment

11a thumb Лечение рака прополисомWhat is Propolis

The Latin word "propolis" is translated as "bee glue", so he is used by bees for glossing over the gaps in their hives, to avoid drafts, excessive moisture and microbes in the hive - bee fortress. But not only bee propolis have been used - it is very useful to humans.

Propolis - a resinous substance collected by bees from various plants, and collect propolis from the bee family deals with only a small number of bees. Propolis has a bitter, pryanoholodyaschim taste, sticky to the touch and golden brown, dark green or brown. The color of propolis depends on the type of plant from which it is collected, so propolis from the steppes of mostly brown and collected in the deciduous forest - yellow-gray.

Over time, propolis dries, it becomes dense and brittle, and may even turn black. Propolis odor smells like honey and wax, poplar and birch buds, vanilla. When heated, propolis and honey smells of incense. At the same time higher valued soft propolis, as it contains more nutrients.

How to store propolis

Keep in propolis have to clean, dry and dark place at temperatures above 25 ° C. And Do not store near strong-smelling substance!

If propolis store, observing all the rules, he does not lose its long healing properties, although the fresh propolis is still the most valuable.

History of propolis

The first mention of the use of propolis have from ancient Egypt, and later propolis have been used in ancient Greece. You can find mention of propolis from the outstanding ancient healers Dioscorides and Galen, and later wrote about propolis encyclopedic scientists Roman Pliny the Elder and Varro.

In the old days, propolis was used for colds, pustular skin lesions in some diseases of the muscles and joints. In Russia, many of propolis is written in old Russian medical reference - it was called bee glue, UzA, tar, used in the treatment of eczema, wounds, fungal infections.

Medicinal properties of propolis

Beekeepers know that inside the hive never felt an unpleasant putrid odor, even if you get there small animals or other insects. Bee propolis immure them, so they become a kind of mummy and not subject to the processes of decay and rot. And over time, high bactericidal properties of propolis have been confirmed by scientific research.Propolis also has the property to suppress the vital activity of viruses. Some experts believe that this property is enhanced when consumed with honey propolis and royal jelly.In the human cell membrane propolis cleans and removes cholesterol, normalize cell respiration and suppresses abnormal cells, restores the affected tissue.In the propolis was found a number of vitamins (Bl, B2, PP, E, C and provitamin A) and trace elements involved in the metabolic, enzymatic and vitamin biochemical processes in our bodies that accelerate the process of treatment of some diseases and have rejuvenating properties.Propolis increases resistance to ionizing radiation increases the protective and adaptive capacity of the organism, as well as a general tonic and has a beneficial effect of psycho-physical - improves mood, reduces anxiety and depression.Propolis is involved in regulation of the endocrine system by inhibiting the activity of the thymus gland and pancreas.And the antioxidant effect caused by propolis, especially important in oncology. It inhibits the growth of cancer cells without being toxic.Propolis and drugs out of it is inherent in the rapid anti-inflammatory effect. Antitoxic effect of propolis can be used in the treatment of diseases associated with intoxication of the organism, such as tuberculosis, diphtheria, scarlet fever.Propolis has a beneficial effect on tissue repair, promotes rapid healing of the wound surfaces, softens scars after burns and improves the formation of callus after a fracture.

In what diseases is useful propolis

Propolis is a unique remedy, its scope is broad. It has been successfully used in inflammation of the colon, gastritis, flatulence. Propolis can be taken for colds, flu, bronchitis, sore throat, sinusitis, ear diseases, conjunctivitis, headaches, periodontal disease. Propolis has long been treated for eczema, rashes, frostbite, and fungal infections, urinary tract infections, gout, arthritis, propolis, and now found application even in cancer.

Upper respiratory tract infections, including sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, and otitis media are in a shorter time if chewing propolis. In acute disease, propolis should be chewed for 3 hours a day, but no more than 5 grams per day.

The addition of propolis food has a positive effect for almost all inflammations of the kidneys, urinary tract, bladder, prostate, and genitals.

Recipes of traditional medicine with propolis

Migraine: 10 g of crushed propolis pour 100 ml of 70% rubbing alcohol or vodka good quality. The resulting mixture infuse for 7-8 days, shaking 3-4 times during the day. Then filter and take 1 every day for an hour before a meal to 3-5 drops added to 50 ml of boiled water. Wash down with milk or tea. Condition improved after 3-4 weeks. This treatment is recommended 2-3 times per year.- In rheumatic pains in the limbs on the affected area, apply a thin plate of heated propolis.- To get rid of boil, place the cake on a heated propolis. After a while, start pus. The procedure is repeated until complete resolution of the inflammatory process. When the propensity to abrasions to prevent it, take the inside of a teaspoon of propolis tincture in a glass of water daily for 10-12 days.- Most of the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, goes under the influence of propolis, which must be taken after meals. In mild cases, a 10 g of propolis, consumed within 3 days. For the treatment of chronic gastro-intestinal inflammation need to use more propolis - from 40 to 100 g per course.When using rtseptov traditional medicine should be taken into account that propolis is a potent tool. Therefore, the initial increased consumption of propolis may cause irritation of the mouth, poor health, sometimes diarrhea. In this regard, better get used to the propolis gradually - within 3-4 days. It is also advisable to gradually reduce the intake of propolis after the onset of improvement or cure.

Contraindication to the use of propolis as

An allergic reaction to it, which can occur in people with allergies to any bee products, bee venom, as well as in people prone to allergic diseases: urticaria, eczema, asthma, etc.

Allergic reactions to propolis may manifest as burning, itching, rash, and general weakness, headache, fever. To prevent the occurrence of side effects of treatment with propolis, treatment should begin with small doses and only making sure there are no symptoms that indicate intolerance of propolis, it is possible to carry out a full course of treatment. In the case of an allergic reaction occurred, you should immediately discontinue treatment with propolis and take protivogistaminnye drugs.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Propolis treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Chronic colitisI have a 30% alcoholic extract of propolis - 30-40 drops in a glass of warm water or milk 3 times a day one hour before meals with a gentle respect for the intestinal mucosa diet.
Postipfektsionnye colitisAn alcoholic solution of 10% of propolis-40 drops to 2-3 cups of lukewarm water for 30 minutes before meals three times a day, as well as pollen - a teaspoon 20 minutes before meals three times a day. Pollen must be slightly moistened with saliva and then swallow. The treatment course of 20 days.
HemorrhoidsDuring exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids recommended 10% aqueous extract of propolis - a tablespoon 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.
Chronic gastritisDrink 10% ethanolic extract of propolis th - 40-50 drops to 1-2 cups warm water 3 times a day for 40-50 minutes before meals while dieting. The treatment course of 20-25 days.
Gipoatsidny gastritis (gastritis with increased secretion)Yarrow, inflorescence - 25 g, and p marsh, roots, -20 g, a large plantain leaves - 20 grams, oregano, grass, - 20 g, bean trefoil, grass, - '15 2 tablespoons dried minced collect 0.5 liters of boiling water to insist 2 hours, strain. Take half a cup three times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals. At the same time take 30 drops of 20% of the first alcohol tincture of propolis in 50 ml of lukewarm water 3 times a day for 20-25 days. If necessary, treatment can be repeated a month later.
EnterocolitisTablespoon dried cherry fruit, pour a glass of water, cook on low-ogne10 12 minutes, leave an hour, drain, add 30 drops of 20% ethanolic extract of propolis. Drink 1/3-1/2 cup 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before a meal on the background of therapeutic feeding for 2-3 weeks.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Traditional tools and techniques

 Traditional medicine is a science that certainly the oldest of all. Ever since time immemorial, people paid their attention to the herbs, roots, flowers, insects, in order to get rid of any disease. Through trial and error had accumulated vast experience handed down from generation to generation.

Traditional medicine is important not only when you cough or runny nose, it is possible to treat some serious diseases. Such as: diabetes, kidney failure and more. But we must not forget that the self no good ever results. Before you start taking any herbs, you have to complete a survey, to be sure exactly what you are worried about the disease.

Of course, the main advantage of traditional medicine, this naturalness of the ingredients that you are taking, lack of chemistry.

You can not fanatically pursue all the advice of traditional medicine, but a lot can be learned and used to strengthen their health!

Now we consider the short list of herbs and indications for their use.

Calamus rhizomes - used to increase appetite, improves the digestive tract, increases the secretion of gastric juice.

Ledum palustre shoots - is used to treat coughs, promotes the separation of mucus, is used for acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tracheitis, pulmonary tuberculosis. Also helps cleanse the blood.

Birch buds - the infusion is used to treat eczema, skin erosion, various wounds, a styptic. Besides the infusion and decoction have a strong diuretic, choleretic properties.

Borovnika - mainly used to treat gynecological diseases. Such as infertility, toxemia of pregnancy, menstrual disorders, diseases of the uterus. It is also used for inflammation of the urinary system and prostate. Hawthorn fruit - is widely known cardiotonic action of hawthorn, lowers blood pressure, is effective for: hypertension, central nervous system diseases, cardiovascular diseases. Bilberry leaves - used for kidney, urinary tract infections. Breaks down kidney stones, gall, bladder.

Valerian rhizomes with roots - Valerian is widely known for its calming effect, is used to treat insomnia, migraine, central nervous system diseases, neurosis, angina, hypertension, is also effective in diseases of the gastro-intestinal.

Elecampane rhizomes and roots - is very effective in bronchitis, in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. He is also a krovoochischayuschim action.

Oak bark - is used for diarrhea, as in adults and infants. Anti-inflammatory and antirot action. It is also used to treat mouth and throat. Oregano herb - cures respiratory antispasmodics is at pains in the stomach, has a calming effect.

St. John's wort herb - used to treat digestive tract, liver, and kidneys. Effective wound healing agent.

Nettle leaf - very effective for diabetes, anemia, arthrosclerosis. Is hemostatic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent. Buckthorn bark - the broth has a laxative, bactericidal action, used for constipation, colic. Columns with maize stigmas - an effective remedy for kidney stones, used in the disturbed metabolism in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Mother-and-stepmother leaves - help for respiratory diseases, skin and lungs. The grass has expectorant, and anti-shielding properties. Melissa herb - has quite a variety of applications. Used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, effective for breath, tachycardia, regulate blood pressure, relieves pain in my heart. It has antispasmodic, analgesic properties, increases the appetite, calms the nervous system. Peppermint leaves - indications for this disease of the liver, stomach, gall bladder, helps with insomnia, nervousness, irritability, digestive problems. It has such properties as choleretic, sedative, antispasmodic action.

Marigold flowers and calendula flowers - effective for the treatment of liver diseases, gynecological diseases, as well as cardiovascular and gastrointestinal problems. Topically applied to treat such diseases: wounds, bruises, boils, burns. Has the following properties - anti-inflammatory and wound healing, antiseptic, antispasmodic, cardiotonic, and sedative. Dandelion roots - is used to treat gallstones, liver disease, the gastrointestinal tract. Decoction of dandelion has choleretic properties, increases appetite and has a bracing effect on the entire body. Ortosifona staminate leaves - is widely used for kidney stones, edema, hypertension. Has a strong diuretic effect.

Shepherd's purse herb - often used to treat gynecological diseases. It has a styptic, astringent action.

Plantain leaves - of course we all know about the healing properties of plantain with a small wound, in addition plantain is very effective for the treatment of stomach and gastric diseases, lowers blood cholesterol, has anti-sclerotic effect. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-allergic, sedative, laxative effect. Motherwort herb - used in women with painful periods, migraines, for colic, nerve diseases. It has a soothing, hypnotic effect. It has anti-inflammatory properties, lowers blood pressure.

Chamomile flowers - is very effective in gastro-intestinal diseases. This is an indispensable tool for young mothers who are struggling with intestinal colic in infants (flatulence), effective for the treatment of upper respiratory tract. Also very effective for a baby bath in the decoction is used in children's cosmetics.

Senna leaves and senna, used for chronic constipation, has a strong laxative effect.

Licorice root and licorice root - used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract and gastro-intestinal tract, eczema, dermatitis, and neurodermatitis. It has shielding, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antispasmodic properties of Cumin fruits - leads to normal digestion and is effective for liver disease and bile, cures constipation. Bearberry leaves or bear ears - is used for kidney disease, kidney stones, with disease of the bladder. It has a diuretic, antibacterial, astringent action. Yarrow herb - very effective for the treatment of gastric diseases such as gastritis with low acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, colitis, hemorrhoids. It has a calming, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, hemostatic effect. It improves the appetite and healing wounds.

Dill fragrant fruit - improves lactation nursing mothers, has a calming effect, and a light sedative, normalizes gastrointestinal tract.

Violets grass - used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, kidney, heart, and atherosclerosis.

Thyme herb - a good remedy for insomnia for children, restores digestion, mineral metabolism in the body.

Series of grass - in a series of broth is very good to bathe babies, promotes healing of wounds, removing potnichki. It also enhances digestion, normalizes metabolism. Properties: restorative, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic.

Celandine herb - used to treat skin diseases such as syt, blackheads, pustules, as well as for liver and gallbladder. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, choleretic, antispasmodic properties.

Sage leaves - used to treat upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract diseases. It has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant properties.

Rosehip fruit - effective for exhaustion, and as a means of overall well. It has lots of vitamins, vitamin deficiency is effective in the spring.

Eucalyptus leaves - is widely used in gynecology, dermatology, ophthalmology practice. Very effective for inhalation of a cold and cough. It has strong antiseptic properties.

This information is provided for educational order. Look, what diseases you suffer from what herbs you are good, but it is better not to engage in self-medicate, as the same herb can bring not only benefits but also harm. Please refer to the people who are well versed in herbs, the so-called herbalists, ask what is best treated, or any other disease. The main thing to be completely sure that you are concerned. Once determined that the pain, you can begin an effective treatment!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


An important role in the fight against the pain of osteoarthritis is nutrition. It is necessary to give up dairy products, all kinds of pastry and sugar, limit the use of bread, giving preference to rye. Try to eat more vegetables and protein to supplement a day, eat 100 grams of meat and 2 eggs. Drink fresh juice daily for two months, three times daily before a meal drink a glass of water with 2-5 teaspoons apple cider vinegar, add honey to taste.

Effectively done on the sore spots compresses with citric acid solution (0.5 teaspoons per 200 ml of boiled water at room temperature). You can pour boiling water 2-3 liters of 3.4 chopped mushroom, infuse one hour, and then use the infusion for compresses. Try to fill half the jar minced burdock root, pour the brim with vodka, infuse 14 days and make a tincture packs. You can stick a plaster osteochondrosis to the sore spot copper coins issued before 1961, and wear them for 2 weeks. Mince fresh grass, quinoa, mix the resulting mass is equal to the volume of honey and take 1 tbsp mixture 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals, as well as make it compresses on the sore spots.
The deposition of salts provoked low back pain, eliminates the celery. The root to the leaves mince, squeeze the juice from the masses, and drink it on a teaspoon 3 times a day for 15 minutes before eating. It is useful to once a day drink a glass of green tea with 1 tsp ginger, eating it half a lemon.
Copes with osteochondrosis of the nettle. It should be 1 tablespoon chopped herbs pour a glass of boiling water, leave to cool, strain and take 1 tbsp 3-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals for 4-6 weeks. After a week break to repeat the course. 14 shells of walnuts chopped, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 14 days and take 1 tbsp morning on an empty stomach. Improve the condition and the remedy. Must be mixed fresh juice 6 lemons, 150 grams of minced garlic, 1.2 liters of boiled cooled water and drink 1 tbsp 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks. After 14 days, repeat the treatment. Mix 300 ml of black radish juice, 100 ml of vodka, 300 g of honey, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh leaves of lilac, insist night, and then rub the mixture into the sore spots.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Popular treatment of arthritis.

Arthritis - inflammation of the joints. The term arthritis combines a group of inflammatory zabolevaniy.Artrit may be the underlying disease (eg, spondillit), or a manifestation of another disease (eg, rheumatism). Arthritis can affect various joints - an inflammation of the joint unit was called monoartrit and simultaneous inflammation of many joints - polyarthritis. Symptoms of Arthritis: Pain in the joint, which are enhanced by motion, swelling in the joint, limited mobility of the affected joint. The skin over the joint may be red and become hot. The causes of arthritis: infection (tuberculosis, brucellosis), trauma, allergies, metabolic disorders (for gout), diseases of the nervous system, lack of vitamins.

Popular engage in treatment of arthritis of the joints, many healers. After all, people are much more effective means of synthetic drugs.

Treatment of arthritis with mustard
Folk arthritis treatment is widely used mustard. Need to impose on the joints mustard, so warming them up.

Folk remedy for arthritis - a bath of the branches of spruce
From arthritis to help spruce. Must be freshly eaten twigs pour boiling water, leave. Cool to 37-38 °. In the infusion immerse feet or hands for 30 minutes. Then wrap them and lie in bed for an hour. Repeat the treatment after 2 days. The treatment of arthritis 5.7 baths.

Arthritis - a popular treatment of flax
Linen for the national treatment of arthritis - is heated dry flax seeds. They must be in bags to use as a compress to the affected joint.

Compresses the bile - a folk remedy for the treatment of knee arthritis
Good folk remedy for treating arthritis - bile. Compresses the bile needed to apply for the night to the affected joint. Apply for the treatment of arthritis.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


ОВОЩНЫЕ СОКИRaw vegetable and fruit juices have large amounts of vitamins and enzymes that contribute to the conclusion that the body of toxins (especially fruit juices).
   Raw juices are used to maintain health and treat many diseases.
   Recall that the enzymes (which are complex substances that promote digestion and absorption of blood) are found mainly in raw plant foods. Enzymes are sensitive to temperatures above the 470S. The above enzymes are inert 490S, 540S and at most of the enzymes are destroyed.

Enzymes do eat raw, organic. The absence of such food leads to disease.
   Vegetables and fruit consist of a large amount of tissue in which cells are enclosed between the necessary nutrients. It is these elements that are in fresh, raw juices nourish the entire body.
   Fruit juices are a cleanser of the body. Juices vegetables are builders and reducing the body. They contain all the amino acids, mineral salts, vitamins for human health if they are used only in fresh, raw form.
   Juice you can drink as much as is drunk with pleasure, not prinuzhlaya itself. In the treatment to get good results you should drink at least 600 grams per day. It must be borne in mind that the more we drink the juice, the more likely achieve the desired results.
   The cheapest and affordable vegetables are cabbage, carrots and beets. And it turns out that the juice from these vegetables are the most useful and valuable.

Сabbage juice

 Cabbage juice - an ideal cleanser, especially for obesity (for those who want to lose weight, you need to use cabbage juice), heals duodenal ulcer, is effective in tumors, cures constipation, used for rashes on the skin. A mixture of cabbage and carrot juice is an excellent means of cleansing the body, especially in the gum infection that causes piorreyu.
    If after drinking cabbage juice produces a large amount of gas (due to an abnormal condition of the intestine), it is recommended to pre-clean the intestines by drinking carrot juice daily for two weeks with a daily cleansing enema.
    Cabbage juice is very nutritious (rich in vitamins, enzymes, salt). When cabbage is cooked, then the action of these substances are destroyed. 500 g of cooked or canned cabbage can not give such a large number of live organic food, which the body can absorb 300 grams of raw cabbage juice.
    It should be said that adding salt to the cabbage or juice not only destroys its value, but also harmful.

Сarrot juice
     Carrot juice helps to bring the entire body to its normal state. It is a source of vitamin A, it also contains large amounts of vitamins B, C, D, E. juice improves digestion and tooth structure. Carrot juice is a means to combat ulcers and cancers, is a good way to improve vision, treat liver, inflammation of the skin and other skin diseases.

Beet juice
     This is the most valuable juices for the formation of red blood cells and improve blood composition in general. The juice is an excellent cleanser of the liver, kidney and gall bladder, the juice is used to reduce high blood pressure and other heart disorders, menstrual disorders when, during menopause.

Improvement of raw juices
  The first step to a healthier body is its absolute purity. Any delay in the accumulation of toxins, or it slows down the healing process.
Before you use the juice as a remedy, we must be cleansed. Use the following quick and effective method of cleansing the body.
In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of solution (one tablespoon per cup of water), Glauber's salt. Number of outgoing sewage may reach 3-4 liters. This leads to dehydration. So you need to drink about two liters of fresh juice (preferably from citrus: 6 medium grapefruit, three lemons, oranges, and the rest), diluted with two liters of water. Start to drink the juice after 0.5 hours after the solution of Glauber's salt, and continue to drink it in twenty or thirty minutes, until the end of the whole mixture into four liters. The whole day did not have (in the evening you can eat a little bit of grapefruit, orange or juice). Before going to sleep, to do an enema in two liters of lukewarm water (which you can add the juice of one or two lemons).
This purification procedure should be done for three consecutive days: as a result of the body will be removed approximately twelve liters of toxic lymph and replaced by the same amount of alkalizing liquid.
On the fourth and subsequent days should start drinking raw juices.
Below are the qualitative and quantitative relationships with various health disorders (the first is preferable to previous formulations).
1) carrots, spinach in a ratio of 10:6
2) carrots, cucumbers, beets 10:3:3
3) carrots

1) carrots
2) carrots, celery, parsley, spinach 7:4:2:3

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, celery, parsley, spinach 7:4:2:3
 3) carrots, beets, celery, 8:3:5

1) Grapefruit
2) carrots, spinach 10:6
3) celery
4) carrots, celery, 9:7

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) horseradish and lemon juice (1 lemon 100 g horseradish)
3) carrots, celery, 9:7
4) carrot, radish, radish, or 1:5

1) carrots
2) the carrots and beets 13:3 (beets with tops)

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3
3) carrots

Eye disease (cataracts, etc.):
1) carrots
2) carrots, spinach 10:6

Gallbladder disease:
1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, cucumbers, beets 10:3:3

The disease of the bladder:
1) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3
2) carrots, spinach 10:6

Liver disease:
1) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3
2) carrots, spinach 10:6
3) carrots

The disease is genital mutilation:
1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3

Kidney disease:
1) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3
2) carrots, spinach 10:6

Prostate Disease:
A) Lemon
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3
3) carrots, spinach 10:6

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, oduvanchki 12:4

Varicose veins:
1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, celery, parsley, spinach 7:4:2:3

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, celery, parsley, spinach 7:4:2:3

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, celery, parsley 9:5:2

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3

Fungal diseases of the feet:
1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3
3) carrots

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, celery, parsley 9:5:2

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, celery, parsley, spinach 7:4:2:3

Heart disease:
1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots
3) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3

Tooth decay:
1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, dandelions, turnip 11:3:2
3) carrots.