Tuesday, July 24, 2012


ОВОЩНЫЕ СОКИRaw vegetable and fruit juices have large amounts of vitamins and enzymes that contribute to the conclusion that the body of toxins (especially fruit juices).
   Raw juices are used to maintain health and treat many diseases.
   Recall that the enzymes (which are complex substances that promote digestion and absorption of blood) are found mainly in raw plant foods. Enzymes are sensitive to temperatures above the 470S. The above enzymes are inert 490S, 540S and at most of the enzymes are destroyed.

Enzymes do eat raw, organic. The absence of such food leads to disease.
   Vegetables and fruit consist of a large amount of tissue in which cells are enclosed between the necessary nutrients. It is these elements that are in fresh, raw juices nourish the entire body.
   Fruit juices are a cleanser of the body. Juices vegetables are builders and reducing the body. They contain all the amino acids, mineral salts, vitamins for human health if they are used only in fresh, raw form.
   Juice you can drink as much as is drunk with pleasure, not prinuzhlaya itself. In the treatment to get good results you should drink at least 600 grams per day. It must be borne in mind that the more we drink the juice, the more likely achieve the desired results.
   The cheapest and affordable vegetables are cabbage, carrots and beets. And it turns out that the juice from these vegetables are the most useful and valuable.

Сabbage juice

 Cabbage juice - an ideal cleanser, especially for obesity (for those who want to lose weight, you need to use cabbage juice), heals duodenal ulcer, is effective in tumors, cures constipation, used for rashes on the skin. A mixture of cabbage and carrot juice is an excellent means of cleansing the body, especially in the gum infection that causes piorreyu.
    If after drinking cabbage juice produces a large amount of gas (due to an abnormal condition of the intestine), it is recommended to pre-clean the intestines by drinking carrot juice daily for two weeks with a daily cleansing enema.
    Cabbage juice is very nutritious (rich in vitamins, enzymes, salt). When cabbage is cooked, then the action of these substances are destroyed. 500 g of cooked or canned cabbage can not give such a large number of live organic food, which the body can absorb 300 grams of raw cabbage juice.
    It should be said that adding salt to the cabbage or juice not only destroys its value, but also harmful.

Сarrot juice
     Carrot juice helps to bring the entire body to its normal state. It is a source of vitamin A, it also contains large amounts of vitamins B, C, D, E. juice improves digestion and tooth structure. Carrot juice is a means to combat ulcers and cancers, is a good way to improve vision, treat liver, inflammation of the skin and other skin diseases.

Beet juice
     This is the most valuable juices for the formation of red blood cells and improve blood composition in general. The juice is an excellent cleanser of the liver, kidney and gall bladder, the juice is used to reduce high blood pressure and other heart disorders, menstrual disorders when, during menopause.

Improvement of raw juices
  The first step to a healthier body is its absolute purity. Any delay in the accumulation of toxins, or it slows down the healing process.
Before you use the juice as a remedy, we must be cleansed. Use the following quick and effective method of cleansing the body.
In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of solution (one tablespoon per cup of water), Glauber's salt. Number of outgoing sewage may reach 3-4 liters. This leads to dehydration. So you need to drink about two liters of fresh juice (preferably from citrus: 6 medium grapefruit, three lemons, oranges, and the rest), diluted with two liters of water. Start to drink the juice after 0.5 hours after the solution of Glauber's salt, and continue to drink it in twenty or thirty minutes, until the end of the whole mixture into four liters. The whole day did not have (in the evening you can eat a little bit of grapefruit, orange or juice). Before going to sleep, to do an enema in two liters of lukewarm water (which you can add the juice of one or two lemons).
This purification procedure should be done for three consecutive days: as a result of the body will be removed approximately twelve liters of toxic lymph and replaced by the same amount of alkalizing liquid.
On the fourth and subsequent days should start drinking raw juices.
Below are the qualitative and quantitative relationships with various health disorders (the first is preferable to previous formulations).
1) carrots, spinach in a ratio of 10:6
2) carrots, cucumbers, beets 10:3:3
3) carrots

1) carrots
2) carrots, celery, parsley, spinach 7:4:2:3

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, celery, parsley, spinach 7:4:2:3
 3) carrots, beets, celery, 8:3:5

1) Grapefruit
2) carrots, spinach 10:6
3) celery
4) carrots, celery, 9:7

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) horseradish and lemon juice (1 lemon 100 g horseradish)
3) carrots, celery, 9:7
4) carrot, radish, radish, or 1:5

1) carrots
2) the carrots and beets 13:3 (beets with tops)

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3
3) carrots

Eye disease (cataracts, etc.):
1) carrots
2) carrots, spinach 10:6

Gallbladder disease:
1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, cucumbers, beets 10:3:3

The disease of the bladder:
1) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3
2) carrots, spinach 10:6

Liver disease:
1) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3
2) carrots, spinach 10:6
3) carrots

The disease is genital mutilation:
1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3

Kidney disease:
1) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3
2) carrots, spinach 10:6

Prostate Disease:
A) Lemon
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3
3) carrots, spinach 10:6

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, oduvanchki 12:4

Varicose veins:
1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, celery, parsley, spinach 7:4:2:3

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, celery, parsley, spinach 7:4:2:3

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, celery, parsley 9:5:2

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3

Fungal diseases of the feet:
1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3
3) carrots

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, celery, parsley 9:5:2

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, celery, parsley, spinach 7:4:2:3

Heart disease:
1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots
3) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3

1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, beets, cucumbers, 10:3:3

Tooth decay:
1) carrots, spinach 10:6
2) carrots, dandelions, turnip 11:3:2
3) carrots.

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