Thursday, August 30, 2012

Traditional medicine - Bee venom

Пчелиный ядAlong with many amazing abilities nature gave bee and "weapons" with which it protects its nest - poisonous liquid, produced in her body big and small poisonous glands. When meeting with the enemy bee pierces its sharp sting cover and splashed into the resulting wound burning poison. Being available at the end of the sting indent do not allow him to freely take out, and the poison continues to come from a special tank for a few seconds. Sting then comes off with some of the internal organs, and some time later, the bee dies. But the smell of the poison spreads quickly and is on alert, mobilizes other bees to protect their homes.
Father of world medicine Hippocrates said: "If you are sick and you do nothing to help, contact the bees, and they will be cured." Apitherapy (from the Greek "apis" - bee) cure both forms of goiter, and general disruption of the endocrine system, such insidious diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, lupus erythematosus. Arthritis can be cured only by apamin, a part of bee venom. Bee venom is effective where are powerless medications, procedures, hormones and antibiotics. Bee venom in therapeutic doses not only leads to lower blood pressure, but also expands the blood vessels of the brain and the coronary vessels, thus effective in post-MI angina, improves sleep, improves the overall tone, physical performance. In view of individual organisms physiological perception of bee venom, each patient is determined by its dose, starting with one bee. Blocking drugs and other effects of bee venom: diphenhydramine, papaverine, procaine, calcium chloride, suprastin. Alcohol also neutralizes the effect of bee venom.
Bee venom is a clear liquid with a pungent odor, somewhat resembling the smell of honey, with a bitter and burning taste. Despite the fact that beekeeping is an ancient industry, the chemical composition of bee venom studied recently and are not yet complete. Found that the composition of the poison has 9 proteins, various peptides, 18 amino acids, histamine, fatty substances and stearin, carbohydrates, more than a dozen minerals and others from bee venom identified a number of very active in its effect on the body substances (acetylcholine and histamine ) and inorganic acids, hydrochloric, phosphoric), which cause a burning sensation in Stung by a Bee.
As a product of beekeeping bee venom medicine is widely used in the treatment of radiculitis, rheumatism, migraine, hypertension, thrombosis, limb vessels, peripheral nervous system, and a number of other diseases. Small doses of bee venom has a positive effect on the overall human body, strengthens the nervous system, improves sleep and appetite. In the study of ways to protect against exposure (California, USA) found that bee venom can also be effectively used to protect against radiation.
Depending on the nature of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient bee venom therapy is one of the following: natural bee sting in the affected area, the introduction of the poison through the skin by means of electricity (electrophoresis), rubbing the skin ointments containing poison; finished products by injection of bee poison produced in ampoules; inhalation.
BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF BEE VENOM affects the central nervous system. Venom peptides have an analgesic effect aspirinopodobny stronger opioids 10-50 times, lowers the threshold of irritation. Established antishock poison. Effect on the cardiovascular system. Small doses of poison reduce blood pressure, there is a local congestion, which reduces inflammation. Increases coronary blood flow rate, dilates blood vessels of the brain, increases the amount of blood seen anticoagulant effect. Stimulates the activity of the heart muscle, reduces cholesterol levels and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, includes anti-stress mechanism. Poison in large doses causes depression EEG melittin inhibits the higher parts of the nervous system. Anti-inflammatory effect. Affect the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Found that at high doses of bee venom (poison) in dogs was significantly increased cholesterol and bilirubin in the bile, and its hypersecretion. Established radioprotective effect. Stimulates the bone marrow and improves healing of bone, small doses of poison with survival of irradiated animals. Is indicated for the treatment of patients injured in the Chernobyl disaster: improving the blood, increases immune defenses. Affects the function of reproduction and embryology. Large doses of poison reduced fertility in rats, and small stimulated.
Has immunological properties. Beekeepers have formed antibodies against bee venom. Serum prevents hemolysis beekeepers bee venom. Found in the venom of the content of the five allergens - phospholipase A, hyaluronidase, melittin, factors and C-factor for metabolic function, protein metabolism speeds up and replaces the missing peptides and enzymes. Affect the endocrine system, reduce thyroid hormone production, enhances the activity of the adrenal cortex - pituitary - the hypothalamus.
In small doses of bee venom improves blood circulation in the tissues. Melittin venom has heparin effekt.Pcheliny venom antibiotic action. Melittin bee venom prevents convulsive phenomena. Bee venom stimulates the heart, increases the amount of blood flowing through the heart, has antiarrhythmic effects. In small doses, strengthens the immune system.
Allergic to bee venom appears in the form of reduced ascorbic acid in the adrenal glands. Removal of heparin allergy conducted 50 IU / kg. Improves motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Bee venom has antishock action.
Modern medicine, the technique Apitherapy and installed the main indications for the use of bee venom as a therapeutic agent. Defined as contraindications to apitherapy, that is now known group of diseases in which the introduction of bee venom affects the course of the disease.
Contraindicated the use of bee venom TB with infection and mental disorders, diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, in the acute stage, diabetes, and people with high sensitivity to bee venom or intolerance. Therefore, persons who have no special medical education, under the law, it is forbidden to treat a sick bee stings.
Sensitivity of people to bee venom is different. In patients with hypersensitivity to it, even a bee sting can cause severe general reaction. Most painfully react to apitoxin women (especially pregnant women), children and the elderly. However, with frequent, regular stung, as it happens from beekeepers, sensitivity to bee venom drops.
Lethal dose for an adult considered 500 simultaneous stings; 200-300 stings cause severe poisoning.
Attention. If you, or your friend's stung by a bee as soon as possible to remove the sting, bite grease cleaned with alcohol (rectified spirit 96% or 70% strength) or a solution of potassium permanganate (1:1000), ammonia, iodine tincture or vodka.
In severe general symptoms of the victim must be put to bed, inside appoint 40% alcohol (25-50 g) or alcohol mixed with honey (honey 20 g per 200 g of alcohol) of 25-50 g per reception. Well as give the patient medovovitaminny drink: in 1 liter of boiled water dissolve 100 g of honey and 500 mg of vitamin C at the same time recommended to appoint so-called antihistamines (eg, diphenhydramine), to eliminate the toxic effects of histamine contained in pchelinoch venom.
In cases of severe poisoning apitoxins should call a doctor. If the victim has stopped breathing and heartbeat, until the arrival of the doctor to do artificial respiration and external cardiac massage.

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