Monday, August 27, 2012

Traditional medicine - Propolis

Due to its complex chemical composition propolis has a wide range of biological properties - an antibiotic, virusotsidnym, antimycotic, anti-tumor effect, stimulates wound healing and immune-biological processes (increased concentrations of immunoglobulins A and E, increases the phagocytic activity of white blood cells).Bactericidal action of propolis is manifested in low concentrations and is distributed in almost all human pathogens. Proved it and antiradiation effect. So he took a firm place in the practice of medicine in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, burns, difficult healing wounds and ulcers. With the success of its use in pediatrics, ENT, ophthalmology and gynecology. In veterinary medicine, it is used with great success in the treatment of FMD lesions, enzootic pneumonia, paratyphoid, staphylococcal mastitis, and infected wounds.Thanks anesthetic, antibacterial and deodorizing effect and it is widely used in cosmetics.Forms and methods of making preparations of propolis are diverse: water, alcohol extracts, emulsions, ointments, inhaled, biological dressings, candies.
Preparation of an aqueous solution (water-soluble) at 1:10 of propolis extract about 40 ° C. A vessel (thermos) pour 100 ml of boiled or distilled water, heated to a temperature of about 50 ° C, 10 g of ground to make propolis. Infuse 12-24 hours propolis aqueous solution is a clear liquid yellow-green in color with a pleasant odor.The residue was used for the preparation of aqueous propolis extract at a temperature of 93 ° C, is obtained by heating in a water bath.
Preparation of an aqueous solution (water-soluble) at 1:10 of propolis extract about 93 ° C. A vessel to pour 100 ml of boiled or distilled water to make 10 g of ground (powder) of propolis propolis or residue after extraction at 40 ° C, cover and put in a water bath, boil 40-60 minutes. Vessel contents periodically stir with a wooden stick. Cool. Store in a closed container made of dark glass at room temperature in a cool place, protected from light and sunlight. Term storage solution with the precipitate about 5-7 days without a deposit - about 7-10 days in the refrigerator. An aqueous solution of propolis is a transparent liquid, yellow-brown with a very pleasant smell.The residue (after air drying) mixed with the native propolis can be used to make an alcoholic solution of propolis.
Cooking oil propolis 1.5:10. A vessel (porcelain cup or glass jar) add 100 g butter unsalted butter, 15 g of ground to make propolis, and about 5 ml of water, cover and put in a water bath and boil for about 15 minutes stirring the contents of the vessel from time to time with a wooden stick. The hot solution is filtered through 1-2 layers of cheesecloth into a clean jar of dark glass, the balance transfer in cheesecloth, wring out and attach to the filtrate. Hot oil solution mix propolis glass or wooden stick to cool. Cover and store in refrigerator. Oil Propolis is a mass of semi-solid consistency of the yellow-brown color with a pleasant odor.
Preparation propolisnoy ointment 5:10. 50 g of crushed propolis containing solids up to 5-10%, and a mortar and grind portions of 100 g butter, Vaseline or petroleum jelly, lanolin mixture (2:1), made of two parts petroleum jelly and 1 part lanolin. Ready to move in an ointment jar of dark glass. Store under cover in a cool place. Propolisovaya ointment is a mass of semi-liquid consistency with a weak pleasant odor.
Preparation of an alcoholic solution of propolis 1:10 or 1,5:10. A vessel of dark glass pour 1 liter of 96 °-tion, or 70 °-ethyl alcohol, make finely ground (powder) propolis at 100 or 150 g vessel lid. The solution is to insist at 20-25 ° C for 2-3 days with occasional stirring with wooden or glass spatula. Brown solution filtered through a filter paper into a clean dry container made of dark glass, the balance transferred to the filter, squeeze the alcoholic solution of propolis is a transparent liquid of red-brown color with a pleasant odor.

At a cold. Take 20 g of crushed propolis, 10 g butter and thoroughly ground, then add 70 g of sunflower oil and all is well mixed. Preparation of medicines wool swabs moistened with a small nose and lay on 2 times a day - morning and evening.
When inflammation of the nose and throat. Take 30 g of crushed propolis, pour 100 g of alcohol and insist for 1,5 - 2 weeks, shaking the mixture. Infusion of filtered, mixed it with two pieces of peach butter. Nasopharynx was washed once a day for 10 - 15 days.
Radiculitis. Take a tablespoon of honey, sunflower oil and propolis infused on ethyl alcohol and mix thoroughly. This mixture is applied to the mustard and applied to the affected area, securing the mustard plaster bandage.
Toothache. Take 40 g of crushed propolis, filled with 70% alcohol (100 g). The resulting mixture insist 7 - 10 days, then filtered and the filtrate was added to the alcohol so as to bring the extract to 40% concentration. The resulting infusion is moistened cotton swab and apply to the sore tooth.
In bronchial asthma. Take 20 g of crushed propolis, pour 80 g of rubbing alcohol and is constantly shaking, insisted during the week. After this filter, allowed to settle and take the infusion of 20 drops with milk or water for 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day for two months.
Bronchitis, rhinitis and pulmonary tuberculosis. These diseases are treated with propolis wax and using an inhaler. In the apparatus is placed 60 g and 40 g of propolis wax, which is melted, become gaseous, volatile and are available for inhalation. Smoke the propolis with wax in the morning and evening for 10 - 15 minutes for two consecutive months. You can do without the inhaler: a cup capacity of 300 - 400 ml put propolis, wax, put it in another, more spacious bowl with boiling water (water bath) and inhale release (steam).
Sore throat, inflammation of the lungs. Propolisnuyu mixture prepared as follows: to 100 g of butter heated to 50 - 60 °, 10 g of crushed propolis and heated to 70 ° for 8 - 10 minutes with continuous stirring, and then filtered through cheesecloth. Apply a teaspoon of 2 - 3 times a day for 1 - 1.5 hours before meals with warm milk for two months.
Propolis from burns. From the burn. Pour into a glass pot of sunflower oil, add propolis size of a hazelnut and a low heat bring to a boil to propolis melted. When the oil has cooled, spread place burn, and the pain will pass. This way you can treat a burn of any severity, all healed very quickly.

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